Download Yalu Jailbreak for iOS 10/10.1.1/10.2 [OFFICIAL]

In the past few hours, Yalu Jailbreak beta 4 version has been released. The update contains an updated version of the Mach_Portal tool. Bookmark this page for the latest updates on Yalu jailbreak. For those who want to jailbreak iOS 10.1.1, the latest version of this tool can be downloaded from the links below.

yalu jailbreak download


Download the Yalu102.ipa below.

  • Download Yalu102 beta 7 IPA [Latest version]
  • Download Yalu102 beta 6 IPA
  • Download Yalu102 beta IPA
  • Download Yalu102 alpha IPA

DOWNLOAD mach_portal+yalu

  • Download extra_recipe+yaluX (latest version of mach_portal)
  • Download Yalu Jailbreak beta 3 IPA (much stable than beta 4)
  • Download Yalu Jailbreak beta 4 IPA

Download Cydia Impactor app below.

Follow our tutorials to use these jailbreak tools –


  • Beta 7 released. Support added for iPad Mini 4 and iPad Air 2.
  • Beta 6 released. Fixed some issues regarding tfp0/nonceEnabler patch.
  • 10.2 support for all 64-bit devices except iPhone 7/7+ added.
  • iOS 10.2 support has been added to Yalu.
  • Beta 4 version brings with it an interesting number of improvements and issues resolutions. Although it does not introduce any support for 32-bit devices, which continue to remain excluded from jailbreak of iOS 10.
  • One of the first features is the introduction of support for Cydia Substrate. Yalu beta 4 is loaded with resolutions of problems found in previous versions. The first concerns the fact that the OS did not return after you restart the device, a problem that should be resolved.
  • We emphasize that the jailbreak is still in early beta stage, so various problems and bugs exist at the moment. It may happen that with the same device, you can not perform the jailbreak with beta 3 version but with beta 4 version, you will be able to jailbreak it.
  • We remember so that those who want to perform the procedure, the jailbreak is still not very stable. You can therefore encounter a number of problems if you are not careful and end up bricking your device.
  • Mach_Portal tool was updated which is installed on the device and is used in jailbreak management.



  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 7 (on 10.1.x only)
  • iPhone 7 plus (on 10.1.x only)


  • iPad Air
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad mini 2
  • iPad mini 3
  • iPad mini 4


  • iPod touch 6


  • Make sure you are running the latest version of iTunes.
  • Backup your data via iTunes/iCloud before you jailbreak your device.
  • Disable Touch ID and passcode before you begin. Once the process is complete, you can reactivate it.
  • Disable Find My iPhone. Once the process is complete, you can reactivate it.

If you are eager to use Yalu jailbreak, you can find all the information directly in this how to tutorial.


yalu ios 10.1.1

1. Who is the developer behind Yalu jailbreak tool?

The name of the developer is not Yalu. It is the first jailbreak for iOS 10 released by Italian hacker Luca Todesco. He has been active in the developer community for years but he never released a tool publicly.

2. Is Yalu tool stable?

No, this tool is in early developmental “beta” stage. It is released for the more experienced users and seasoned developers. There’s still some work needed to correct various problems and bugs in its operation.

However, performance of Yalu on iOS 10 is fine. Make sure you use compatible tweaks only.

Since this is a beta version, Yalu still needs improvements. Therefore, problems will be encountered in some features such as LTE, iMessage and FaceTime. Follow our Troubleshooting and Errors FAQ to solve these issues and errors in iOS 10 jailbreak.

3. Who can use this iOS 10 jailbreak?

Yalu allows you to jailbreak iPhone and iPad Pro with 64-bit chips. In addition to be able to carry out the procedure, you must be running OS 10.1.1 or earlier. Users who have updated to iOS 10.2 can not use Yalu now.

Don’t worry as a iOS 10.2 jailbreak is in the offing. You will still need to wait it out for a few weeks to be able to jailbreak only if you saved SHSH2 blobs for iOS 10.1.1 firmware.

So you can use these saved SHSH2 blobs with Prometheus, a tool that allows you to upgrade/downgrade to unsigned iOS firmware.

4. How do I jailbreak my iOS device running iOS 10?

The procedure is not complicated but requires a minimum of knowledge of coding and associated commands. However, we have made a very simple and easy to follow step by step how to tutorial that will help you jailbreak your iOS device.

5. Is Yalu untethered?

No, Yalu is a semi-untethered jailbreak as of now. This means that every time you restart your device you will have to redo a piece of the procedure to reactivate it. In addition to run it you must use an Apple developer account.

This comes with a deadline though – the certificate lasts seven days, after which you will also need to redo another procedure in this case.

If you want to make Yalu untethered, follow this tutorial.

6. Will an iOS 10.2 jailbreak be released for iPhone 6? 

Yes. You just need to be a little patient. A stable release of Yalu will support it.

Update – iPhone 6 is now supported.

7. My device is still running iOS 10.1 – 10.1.1. Should I upgrade to iOS 10.2?

It is always recommended that you stay on the latest jailbreak-able firmware. With that said, there are two options for you now –

  • Stay on iOS 10.1.x just to stay safe. Be sure to save your SHSH2 blobs for iOS 10.2 and iOS 10.2.1.
  • Upgrade to iOS 10.2 to get new features and improvements. Yalu will be updated for iOS 10.2 soon. Save your blobs just in case.

8. I upgraded to 10.3/10.2.1. What can I do now?

You have nothing to worry about. You can still downgrade to iOS 10.2 firmware as it’s still being signed. We will be downgrading with the custom restore method. Doing this will delete all data on your device.

Here’s how to do it.

  • Download iOS 10.2 firmware ipsw file.
  • Open iTunes, connect your device to the computer.
  • Put your device in DFU mode.
  • iTunes will now notify you that your device is in Recovery Mode, press okay and perform a Custom Restore.

That’s all there is to it.

9. Should I update my iPhone 7/7 plus to iOS 10.2? 

No. If you own an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 plus, stay on iOS 10-10.1.1. Luca has stated that Yalu jailbreak for iOS 10.2 will not work with iPhone 7 due to a difference in hardware.

iPhone 7 and 7 plus have additional hardware-level memory protection which requires a separate exploit.

10. My device is still running iOS 9.3.3. Should I update to iOS 10?

There are two options for you in this scenario –

  • If you have a 64-bit device on iOS 9.3.3, update to iOS 10.2 before Apple stops signing it.
  • If you decide to stay on iOS 9.3.3, save your SHSH2 blobs for iOS 10.2/10.2.1. This will allow you to update to 10.2 using NonceEnabler and Prometheus after a jailbreak is released.

11. How can I save SHSH2 blobs?

The best way to save your SHSH2 blobs is by using TSS Saver tool. Follow the complete tutorial to save SHSH2 blobs here.

12. Do I need to save SHSH2 Blobs for iOS 10.2/10.2.1 if I am already on 10.2?

It’s not mandatory to save your blobs in this case. However, it is always recommended that you do. Blobs will help you restore if something goes wrong with your jailbreak.

13. Does Yalu break TouchID?

TouchID will break if and only if SEP is incompatible with your firmware. In a 10.2 jailbreak, TouchID will function properly as iOS 10.2.1 SEP is fully compatible with iOS 10.2.

14. Can I use iOS 10.2 beta from Github?

No. It is not recommended to use this tool. It is only meant for developers and advanced users. You also need to manually use the offset for your device. Wait for a stable release.

15. Will the upcoming tool support 32-bit devices?

No. Support for 32 bit devices will never be added for this tool.

That’s it for now. If you have any other questions or problems, leave a comment below.

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