Today we tested a nifty little Cydia tweak. Developed by HidDaN, ClearBadges3DTouch10 improves the native 3D Touch technology. Let’s find out more about this tweak.
Apple first introduced the 3D Touch functionality in iPhone 6S. The native interface doesn’t have option to clear badge notifications. This is where ClearBadges3DTouch10 Cydia tweak comes in.
It allows you to remove notification badges from apps using a 3D Touch gesture. Here’s what it looks like.
Once installed, ClearBadges3DTouch10 works out of the box. It has no preferences and settings. If you want to remove annoying red notification badges at once, select “Clear Badge Notifications” option in 3D Touch menu.
This tweak packs a punch for its size. It comes in handy when you are overwhelmed by e-mails/messages and want to delete those notifications in an instant.
It requires a 3D Touch compatible device (iPhone 6S or higher). However, if you have the RevealMenu Cydia tweak, it then becomes compatible with unsupported devices as well.
It’s a great tweak and above all it’s free. I would definitely recommend for all users.
ClearBadges3DTouch10 is available for download on BigBoss Cydia repo/source for free. It is fully compatible with iOS 10.
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