Following the release of iOS 10.2.1, Apple has just closed the iOS 10.2 signing window. It is no longer possible for you to downgrade or upgrade your device to this version.
Apple grants this waiting period so that users can downgrade just in case problems are present in the newer firmware. For regular users, this is not a problem whatsoever. However, closing the signature window of 10.2 firmware is a huge blow to jailbreak community.
What this means for the Jailbreak Community
If you have not save your SHSH2 blobs, you might as well forget a jailbreak for iOS 10 ever. We have always urged users to save SHSH2 blobs. There won’t be a jailbreak for a long time now!
If you are on iOS 9 and want to upgrade to iOS 10 for jailbreak, it is too late. Same goes for those who are on a lower version than iOS 10.2. If you have saved SHSH2 blobs, wait for a stable jailbreak.
If you try to update, an error message will be displayed and the you will be prompted to switch to iOS 10.2.1. This doesn’t change anything so long as you remain on 10.2 and do not accidentally press the Update button.
iOS 10.2.1 is of no use as it closes the exploit used in Yalu jailbreak. Yalu jailbreak is available only up to iOS 10.2. Follow out tutorial to jailbreak iOS 10.2 here.
A jailbreak for tvOS 10.1 is possible with Yalu according to hacker nitoTV is “possible”. Apple has also stopped signing tvOS 10.1 for the Apple TV 4th generation. This was most likely done to close the exploit forever. You should forget an Apple TV jailbreak for now.
Stay tuned and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.