WhatsApp has just received a new update aimed specifically at iOS 11. Here’s a list of all the new features this update brings.
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What’s new in WhatsApp 2.17.60?
The latest version, that is, 2.17.60 brings improved graphics for iOS 11, searching inside separate chats, and the ability to create status updates with text phrases.
Here’s a quick breakdown of all the new features.
1. iOS 11-style User interface
iOS 11 update has a specific UI style with a big and bold font in the title. WhatsApp has now adopted the same interface for iOS devices running the latest firmware.
Here’s how it looks like.
2. Chat-specific searching
In the previous versions of the messaging client, search results were displayed for all your conversations. This update changes that and introduces the chat-specific searching ability for the first time.
You can now search for a chat first and then enter that chat to drill down on your search. What this does is restricts your search to a specific conversation and enhances your experience.
3. Text-only status updates
You can now add text-only statuses without images. This feature is akin to the status feature that is present on Facebook.
Simply tap the pencil icon in the Status tab and you can then select various backgrounds to go along with your text.
You can also change the font style using the “T” icon and cycle through the backgrounds by tapping the “palette” icon.
Why is WhatsApp adapting to iOS 11?
iOS is considered the best operating system on the planet and is used by billions. This makes it very important for developers, especially of messaging apps, to tailor their applications to Apple’s mobile operating system.
All in all, it’s a great update with several new useful features that will actually be helpful to the end user.
Will you be installing this new update or stick to the old versions? Let us know in the comments section below.
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