Reachboard Cydia Tweak – Sneak Peek at your Clipboard in Reachability view

Reachboard is a new Cydia tweak that lets you quickly preview the contents of your clipboard. The clipboard is the backup area of ​​your last copied object – text, image, link, etc. Sometimes we do not know what we copied and we have no way of knowing it without this tweak.

ReachBoard cydia tweak

ReachBoard works with all types of content as for example, working with text, URLs and even images.

Reachboard uses the place lost by Reachability, the Apple function that allows to lower the screen to use the iPhone in one hand. The free area displays the contents of your clipboard.

This tweak is quite handy when you want to be able to look at something while at the same time doing something else in an application, because it allows you to preview what is on the clipboard.

reachboard screenshot

The tweak only works within applications so you do not always see ReachBoard while using Reachability on the home screen. Even if your device does not support Reachability, you can use this tweak along with another Cydia tweak called ReachAll.

ReachAll tweak brings Reachability support to your device independently. ReachBoard and ReachAll work perfectly in tandem.

It also adds a preferences panel for application settings where there are different options that can be configured – you can disable it, choose a theme and choose a time after which the interface disappears automatically.

reachboard settings

Reachboard is available for free on BigBoss Cydia repo. The tweak currently only works on devices with iOS 9 firmware.

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