YouTube brings in-app Messaging feature like WhatsApp

YouTube is aiming to take on messaging giants like WhatsApp and Snapchat. Here’s what you need to know about its latest feature.

Share videos on YouTube with a tap

In a bizarre decision, YouTube has added instant messaging to its app. Users can now engage in private conversations and chat with each other about videos.

This move comes at a time when users are increasingly spending time on various messaging apps. This will force users to spend more time on YouTube’s app as you won’t leave to leave their app.

Here’s how it works.

Other than that, it will be convenient to talk and share videos with your contacts. However, getting people to actually converse about those videos will be a challenge for Google.

This experimental feature was only available in Canada up til now. It is now being rolled out to other parts of the world slowly. Obviously, Android users will be the first to receive this feature and iOS users will need to wait a bit more.

How to Share videos with your contacts

Step 1 To access this feature, launch YouTube app on your iPhone.

Step 2 Open any video and tap the three dots icon present next to its name.

Step 3 Tap on the share icon.

Step 4 Select an existing contact or add a new contact.

Step 5 Add a message to the video and send.

That’s all there’s to it! YouTube will then notify you about it and once it does that, you can go to the chat screen with a tap.

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