Sammy Guichelaar’s upcoming Installer to challenge Cydia

A not so well-known developer will release Installer 5, a full-fledged Cydia alternative in the next few weeks. Here’s how this new alternative will look like.

Installer 5 coming soon for iOS 11

Sammy Guichelaar is all set to release a brand new Cydia alternative for iOS. He has been working on this project for 6 years and recently.

It is fully compatible with recent firmware versions, iOS 10 and 11. Moreover, it also comes with its very own alternative to Cydia’s MobileSubstrate.


Installer 5 uses the source code of the original Installer, which was compatible with iPhone OS 1.

It was originally developed by RiPdev (Russian iPhone Developers), a group of Russian iOS hackers and jailbreak developers.

When will it be released?

According to the developers, there are still a few weeks left until they finalize everything and roll out a stable build.

Here’s a sneak preview of how this upcoming package installer looks like.

installer 5

Dennis Bednarz, the former administrator of ModMyi Cydia repository, is also considering becoming a part of it.

However, this move comes at a time when jailbreakers are flaming him for completely closing the ModMyi source.

My take

Since it’s just so new, not many jailbreakers are willing to jump on Sammy’s bandwagon just yet.

With that said, it’s always good to have competition and I am sure the end users will benefit from it.

I also feel Cydia is in dire need of a complete overhaul so another advanced alternative is a welcome addition.


No matter what, it will be great to have this legacy package installer back on my iPhone again once it rolls out.

For the uninitiated, Cydia had quite a few competitors back in the golden days of jailbreaking. Jay Freeman aka Saurik bought out most of them, for example, Rock.

What do you think about this upcoming Cydia alternative – will it go boom or bust? Comment below.

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One Response

  1. Marcus Sørensen December 27, 2017

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