Glacier – Sleek glassy look for the iOS 11 CC

Another day, another tweak. Glacier aims to bring a glossy Control Center to the stock iOS. You can download it for your Apple device below.

How Glacier works

Let’s admit it, the stock Control Center gets boring rather quickly when used for extended periods of time.

Thankfully, there are plenty of jailbreak tweaks that let you change its look and feel at the tap of a button. One such tweak is Glacier.

Glacier Cydia tweak adds a glossier look to the iOS 11 Control Center. It is developed by tweak developer Squ1dd13.

Here’s how it looks like on my iPhone.


This tweak doesn’t have a preferences area – just install it and forget it. It will change the look and feel of your Control Center as soon as you restart the Springboard.

Download Glacier

Installing this tweak is, without doubt, a great way to spice your Control Center up. If you are looking for a diversion or simply want to enhance the stock user interface, go ahead and install it.

Although there are a few other tweaks such as OptiX that do the same thing, this one is a tad bit better. Recommended.

Glacier is available for download on for free. It is compatible with iOS 11.

Here are a few jailbreak tweaks that you may find interesting.

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