CokePokes quits Snapchat tweak development

Renowned Snapchat hacker CokePokes has decided to hang up his boots after a successful six-year stint as a tweak developer. Here’s what this means for the Snapchat jailbreak community.

The end of the road for Phantom 

As you already know, Phantom, in its current form, is unusable and can’t bypass Snapchat’s DRM.

After trying and failing countless times to develop a functional Snapchat bypass, CokePokes was forced to quit tweak development indefinitely.

Snap finally got him good with its latest update and rendered his tweaks totally useless.

CokePokes confirmed the development in a recent tweet.

Now with that said, it doesn’t mean the developer intends to completely abandon hacking and modding. He will continue to work on personal non-tweak projects, even though he may have moved on from jailbreaking.

Furthermore, the developer also urged his followers to switch to Instagram, which is relatively less restrictive than Snapchat.

This tentatively suggests that CokePokes may release an Instagram tweak in the distant future.

What next for the Snapchat hacking scene?

CokePokes was, without a doubt, the lifeblood of the Snapchat hacking and modding scene. The developer was quite rightly the first “Snapchat hacker”.

Inevitably, other developers will take advantage of CokePokes’ absence and try to fill the vacuum with their own tweaks and mods.

As of right now, a German developer is working on a free Phantom alternative called Wraith.

Snapchat dead

Wraith is slated for release next month. Until the tweak goes public, you can check out its preview below.

The only tweak that’s working at the moment is SnapFrogi. If you are on the lookout for a lightweight Phantom or Spectre replacement that gets the job done, you can give SnapFrogi a try.

Are you still sticking with Phantom or have you moved onto other alternatives? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. Shawn August 29, 2018
    • Gian August 29, 2018

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