AVLock – Add orientation lock to iOS 11 video player

Another day, another tweak. This new aims to lock your screen in place whenever you are watching videos. You can download AVLock tweak for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod below.

How AVLock works

Although the native media player of iOS 11 improves a lot upon its predecessor, it still lacks a few useful features.

One of them being the in-player orientation lock button. This is where this new tweak comes in.

AVLock Cydia tweak adds an orientation lock button to the native iOS 11 video player. It is developed by experienced developer Gil Shahar.

Here’s how this tweak looks like in action.

To lock this video in portrait mode, simply tap the lock button and you are good to go.

As is evident, the lock button looks so good as if it were a stock component of the iOS 11 music player. Apart from that, it never interferes or overlaps with any other button or control of the video player.

It is a simple tweak and doesn’t come with a Settings section. Once you install it, just set it and forget it.

Download AVLock Cydia tweak

This is a great alternative to the stock orientation lock because it is way more accessible. Moreover, it is compatible with any and all applications that use the stock media player to play videos.

If you like to binge watch videos or shows, this tweak should come in handy. Recommended.

AVLock is available for download on BigBoss Cydia repo for free. It is compatible with iOS 11.

Unfortunately, it will not receive iOS 10 support because the developer no longer has a jailbroken device on iOS 10.

Here are a few more jailbreak tweaks that are worth installing on your Apple device.

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